"Racism Is Not Only Found on the Right"
Thilo Sarrazin's theories have highlighted the fact that racism in Germany is not exclusive to the extreme right but can also be found in mainstream society. Human rights expert Hendrik Cremer is convinced that politicians must address the problem
For some time now, he has set himself the task of using his public statements to divide German society along "them-and-us" lines. He subdivides the "them" group into other groups such as "Turks", "Arabs" and, on occasion, "Muslim migrants". To the members of these groups he then ascribes negative characteristics in a generalising, derogatory manner.
Nevertheless, Sarrazin rejects the charge that he is caught in racist thought patterns. Yet the style he employs is not untypical of the methods used to disseminate such attitudes. He laments the walls of political correctness while at the same time launching racist verbal attacks.
The issue of racism is rarely addressed
In Germany, the term "racism" is often associated with the crimes against humanity committed by the National Socialists. Moreover, it is often only employed in conjunction with the politically organised extreme right.
Discrimination in everyday life
In Germany, the prevailing narrow understanding of the term "racism", which is not sufficiently discussed and debated, has other practical consequences. Not enough attention is being paid to incidents of racism in everyday life that do not cross the threshold into violence and structural discrimination in the field of education or on the labour market.
Of course, the stereotypes, marginalization and discrimination that exist in democratic societies cannot be equated with the systematic and monstrous crimes committed during the National Socialist era. However, restricting the definition of racism to right-wing extremism completely ignores the state of academic research and the debate about racism at European and international level, where the definition of racism has been wider for quite some time now.
UN calls for a broader approach
In 2009, the Council of Europe's Commission against Racism said much the same thing. More recently, the UN Special Rapporteur on Racism arrived at a similar conclusion in his report on Germany, which he presented to the UN Human Rights Council in June of this year.
At least initial steps have been taken in this regard. For example, in its action plan against racism dated October 2008, the German government acknowledged that racist attitudes and stereotypes also exist outside the extreme right wing and that the fight against racism cannot be restricted to the fight against right-wing extremism, but must be widened to society as a whole.
Marginalization of anyone who is "different"
This does not necessarily go hand in hand with an explicit application of a hierarchical system or degradation. The creation of groups according to the "them-and-us" principle with the sole aim of marginalizing "them" ("they are different, we don't want them here") can also lead to serious marginalization.
The importance of a broad debate
As a signatory to the UN Convention on the Elimination of all Forms of Racial Discrimination, Germany has entered into obligations that comprehensively restrict state violence. The convention also contains obligations to fight racism in the political sphere and in public life.
The reasoning behind this is that it is not enough to commit once to upholding human rights; human rights must be lived, practiced and defended. The scale of discrimination and racism in a society ultimately depends on the convictions and attitudes of the people who live in it. In this regard, politics, the state and its institutions have an important role to play in terms of setting standards.
It also means that politicians or other representatives of the state must address racism in the public sphere and stand up against it. Anything else would counteract the integration policy, which is now considered right and necessary in Germany. For this reason, we should welcome the fact that the chancellor has rejected Sarrazin's remarks as simple and stupid blanket judgements that are incredibly hurtful and insulting.
What's more, any reaction must not be restricted to a straightforward rejection of Sarrazin's theory. It should be taken as the starting point for a broad debate about the definition of racism in Germany.
Hendrik Cremer
© Deutsche Welle/Qantara.de 2010
Hendrik Cremer works at the German Institute for Human Rights in Berlin.
Translated from the German by Aingeal Flanagan
Editor: Lewis Gropp/Qantara.de
Asadullah Syed
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