Monday, September 21, 2009

Can anybody tell us why the Muslim World is in the ditch from the past several hundred years in spite of fasting, prayers, Hajj etc.??

Can anybody tell us why the Muslim World is in the ditch from the past several hundred years in spite of fasting, prayers, Hajj etc.??

What will it take for us to acknowledge that Allah is not responding to our prayers? Can't we take a hint.
If the medicine is not curing us, we need to question doctors of Islam who are spoon feeding us to re examine the medicine or check their prescription.
May be the reason is, as they say "First deserve, then desire". Having covered the Qur'an with all kinds of man made books, we are blocking the light that was supposed to drive the darkness away? Having divided ourselves into sects, which is against the Qur'an, perhaps we no longer qualify?
We all engage so much in religion especially in Ramadan that one would hope the Muslims were the most admired and trustworthy, honest, compassionate, fair, progressive people in the world.
- We pray and fast, and sit in Etkaf but in Muslim countries we:

- Suppress the women and the weak in society
- Exploit the poor
- We have no rule of Law
- For the poor we have no access to inexpensive justice
- We have no social welfare
- We have dirty and filthy streets and neighbourhoods
- Our poor sick cannot afford medicine and treatment
- In some countries, we still marry of 10 year girls to older men
- We don't trust our police and courts
- We sell adultrated food and medicines
- We have bribery and corruption and nepotism.
- Our rates of literacy are pathetic
- Extremists among us kill in the name of God and feel no remorse
- We treat our minorities like 3rd class citizens
- We have not contributed anything for the benefit of mankind in science and medical technology
- Our widows suffer with children because our states don't have any programs to support them

Yet, we are big on prayers, fasting and hajj!!
Does that make sense?
And then we wonder why our prayers are not answered.




Sher Suleman <>
Sent: Saturday, September 19, 2009 1:56:12 PM
Subject: Re: [Siraat-al-Mustaqeem] We keep taking medicine but.................

Dear Brothers, Sisters and Dr. Shabbir,

As-sallammu Aalaykum wa Rehmatullahi wa Barakatu Hu,

Please be kind to put me wise on the following questions that haunt my mind:

1.    It is often said that 'Nazool e Qur'an' took place in the holy month of Ramadan where-  as historically, we know that Rasul Allah (saw) received 'Wahih' for almost all the 23 years of 'Rasalat'. Please re-concile.|

2.    Lots of emphasis is laid on 'Ibadat' during 'Laylatul Qadr'. Why, when we believe that Allah (SWT) is Rahman Ur Raheem and Omnipresent? HE is the Creator of Time and Space and is not constrained by His own Creativity. HE is with us All the Time and listening, knowing and granting; isn't it?

3.    Why do we indulge in making issues of non-issues? Women, the better half of Mankind, share the latter's sublime status of having been created as His Supreme Creation (menstruation and post-natal bleeding, included). The Qur'an, Allah's Guidance on ISLAM our 'Deen' – our 'Way of Life'. Women can read and recite Qur'an (When menstruating or having post-natal bleeding); what is wrong if they touch the paper it is written on? And with all the sanitary and hygienic facilitation available to them in these times! Why not?

4.    Why the emphasis on 'Zhiker', Ibadat, and 'Tasbeeh', when we know that nothing matters amongst humans and their Rab Zul Jalal other than their 'Ammal'. All the guidance in Qur'an would come to naught if we the humans failed to understand and apply it in our individual as well as collective lives. This misplaced emphasis has cost the Ummah dearly – we are the "left-behinds" in terms of enlightenment, morality and faith; has it not? What would we say to this? 

5.    'Khutba' in Arabic on 'Eidain' (both, Eid UL Fitr & Azha) and on Juma prayers in all non-Arab lands, later having been drafted in the Abbasid Era, repeated years after year. Why?  

6.    And, why we have allowed the Clergy to command the impoverished and ignorant Ummah and not striven for banishing and replacing them with our own elected Imams (the best in knowledge and conduct amongst us) and Board of Governors managing the Massajid?  

7.    Islam's emphasis is not on Hereafter but in creating a heavenly abode Here-in; a Polity where Aisaar, Ehsan and Insaf are the reigning spirit and each of its member, it's defender! Did we, in our history, ever get anywhere near it, or continue to bedeviled by this neo-Islam that we practice - Islam's Golden Calf? Whither that polity in a 14 centuries' barren landscape! Please comment.

With best regards: Sher Suleman

Asadullah Syed

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